About Us

Let’s address the Elephant In The Room together!

Word From CEO

Abha Dandekar

Founder and CEO

We equip organizations to address mental health challenges through tailored solutions, empowering individuals to proactively manage their well-being. Our approach fosters awareness, engagement, and trust, creating a harmonious relationship between work and mental health. Leveraging our digital LMS platform, we enhance engagement, mitigate trust concerns, and raise awareness of critical issues. Our educational materials facilitate knowledge absorption, implementation, and improvement, enabling more effective assistance. By employing a scientific approach rooted in data, we promote understanding and support, transforming the narrative around mental health from blame to empathy, ultimately fostering thriving workplace communities.

What We Do

With a passion to create a corporate culture that prioritises mental health and employee well-being, we’re on a mission to transform the way businesses approach mental health. At Elephant in the Room , our approach encapsulates the essence of adult-to-adult, open conversations. Our workshops and training programs are designed around the same. With our aim to shatter the stereotypes surrounding mental health at the very core of our mission, we want to empower employees and equip them with the competence and confidence to notice early signs and take action.
After all, gone are the days of uncertainty, hesitation and shame regarding mental health in the workplace. We’re here to encourage an open dialogue on mental health and facilitate accessible mental health support. Our mission is to transform the approach to mental health in the workplace by providing comprehensive resources, education, and support. We aim to foster a culture of openness, empathy, and proactive well-being, ensuring that employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to prioritize their mental health. Through our innovative programs and collaborative partnerships, we strive to make mental health a top priority for organizations, driving positive change and improving the overall well-being and productivity of employees

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What we stand for

At Elephant In The Room, we believe in bringing about a change with empathy and compassion.

Our Vision

A world where work and mental health co-exist in harmony.

Our Mission

Enabling workplaces with employee mental health solutions to build a culture that supports employee wellbeing

“Out of 400 companies surveyed in India, 34% offered employees an access to counsellors and 61% organized awareness events for stress, anxiety, and depression management.”

RoundGlass Workplace Wellbeing Survey 2020-2021

Building voices for mental well-being

Empowering you for your unique mental health journey

With expertise in mental health and experience in this sector, we aim to foster a corporate culture that priorities mental health and employee well-being.

Our experienced team of facilitators, equip employees with the skills needed in their roles to support natural, open conversations through workshops, webinars and digital content.

What Makes Us Unique

Our approach sets us apart from the rest, making us your unique corporate mental health partner.

We identify and equip organisations to deal with problems and provide tailored solutions while empowering individuals to proactively manage their mental health. Our approach educates and empowers individuals to take control of their well-being.

We build awareness, increase engagement, and eliminate trust issues to create a world where work and mental health coexist in harmony. The digital nature of the LMS platform is enables us to boost engagement, mitigate trust concerns, and enhance awareness of critical issues.

Our effective education material helps individuals imbibe, implement, and improve their knowledge intake. Understanding individuals better allows us to provide more effective assistance. Clear communication makes it easier for individuals to absorb, apply, and enhance their circumstances.

Our data-backed, evidence-based approach distinguishes between biological and socio-cultural factors, enabling us to offer more effective solutions. By applying a scientific approach, we deepen our understanding of issues, leading to increased empathy in our solutions. This approach grounds mental health knowledge in science and data, transforming language and perception from blame to understanding and support for organisations, in turn fostering thriving communities in the workplace.

Our Team

Jon snow

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Jon snow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sodales cursus iaculis eget, tellus aptent

Jon snow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sodales cursus iaculis eget, tellus aptent

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