Enhance your mental health knowledge!
Mindfulness At Work: How It Can Boost Productivity & Job Satisfaction
In our modern, dynamic, and outrageously demanding society, the professional landscape is constantly in flux, requiring individuals to possess agility and adaptability.
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Early Signs Of Burnout: How To Recognise When You’re Reaching Your Breaking Point
Ask your self are you stressed out? As a corporate employee, you’re no stranger to stress. Maybe you have even tricked yourself to accept stress as your perennial friend. While it is true that some level of stress can be beneficial indicating a level of investment
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How Can Your Work Life Impact Your Personal Life?
There’s a popular phrase which goes “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” This age-old saying holds a lot of truth for every working individual. Especially in this day and age where the two essential aspects of life, professional and personal, are quite intricately interconnected, wouldn’t you say? So, it’s not news that the impact of work on personal life can be significant. Thus, it is essential for every individual to strike a balance between these two aspects to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Here are some ways your work life can impact your personal life, and how you can manage this impact.
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How Can Your Work Life Impact Your Personal Life?
There’s a popular phrase which goes “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” This age-old saying holds a lot of truth for every working individual. Especially in this day and age where the two essential aspects of life, professional and personal, are quite intricately interconnected, wouldn’t you say? So, it’s not news that the impact of work on personal life can be significant. Thus, it is essential for every individual to strike a balance between these two aspects to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Here are some ways your work life can impact your personal life, and how you can manage this impact.
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The Cost Of Burnout: Decoding Your Mind & Negative Thoughts
In this contemporary corporate world, productivity and success are of the highest order, often leading to burnout.
Does this mean that burnout has become a common phenomenon today?
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Setting Healthy Boundaries For Yourself At Work
Concrete jungle or corporate world, it is very easy for an individual to get lost in the transition. In fact, as per statistics, an individual spends approximately one-third of his life at work. Naturally, many corporate employees feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and overworked and continue to normalise their routines
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Combating Workplace Anxiety: Building a Healthier, Happier Team
Combating Workplace Anxiety: Building a Healthier, Happier Team In the modern world, competitiveness and ungovernable rates influence leaders to pay much attention to the mental health of their subordinates regarding organizational effectiveness. The anxiety that is experienced at the workplace
The Hidden Costs of Employee Stress: What You Might Be Overlooking
The Hidden Costs of Employee Stress: What You Might Be Overlooking In today’s fast-paced business world, employee stress has become an increasingly prevalent issue that affects both individuals and organizations. While many companies are beginning to recognize the importance of
The Impact of Office Design on Employee Mental Health: Creating Spaces that Nurture Well-being
The Impact of Office Design on Employee Mental Health: Creating Spaces that Nurture Well-being While working in today’s complex environment, the office layout may have a great impact on an employee’s psychological state. Since the topic of mental health is
Navigating Career Transitions: Maintaining Mental Resilience During Job Changes
Navigating Career Transitions: Maintaining Mental Resilience During Job Changes Promotion of any employee in the organization is also associated with transfer and training where in today’s competitive world mobility has become an important part and parcel of everyone’s lifestyle. These
5 Unconventional Tips To Elevate Your Mind
5 Unconventional Tips To Elevate Your Mind With the cut-throat competitive environment especially in large companies where work continues to be a never-ending race with deadlines closing in on the employees; one may find their psychological health neglected. However, the
Empowering Returning Employees Post-Therapy & Consultation
Empowering Returning Employees Post-Therapy & Consultation Modern life and especially the corporate world brings forward a very important issue which is that of the mental health of the employee. In as much as employees who revisit duty after therapy or